
Psychology Of Religion: The God Helmet

Religious belief and experience fascinate me. Much of how we experience God is based on where we live and how…

J.F. Penn

Ancient Cities, Sacred Sites: Ossuaries And Catacombs

Setting is incredibly important in my writing. I often start with setting and then write a scene to fit the…

J.F. Penn

Prophecy Cover And Back Blurb And Giveaway

Exciting times! My next novel, Prophecy, will be coming out at the end of December (final edits still to come!)…

J.F. Penn

5 Reasons Writers Love The London Library

In the last month I have been working at the London Library a couple of days a week and it…

J.F. Penn

Ancient Book: Carl Jung’s Red Book

As part of my Masters in Theology at the University of Oxford (1994-1997), I specialized in the psychology of religion.…

J.F. Penn

Ancient Cities: Oxford, England.

We all have special places that mean the world to us. Oxford is my spiritual home and the place I…

J.F. Penn

From Affirmation To Reality.

This is a little bit about my personal journey for the last few years. Back in 2007, I was very…

J.F. Penn