So you know that there's shooting and guns in my thrillers?
Well, sometimes an author needs to go get some practical experience!
Last weekend, I went to Budapest (with my very happy husband) for a shooting experience at Celeritas gun club. Check out the video below for the highlights.(Please note, this was all done with the highest safety standards.)
We also visited some of the places important to the violent century that Hungary has experienced – the synagogue and mass Jewish graves, the shoes left by the side of the Danube from those massacred, the offices of the secret police. It is a pretty harrowing place, as well as a majestic city with stunning architecture.
I will be writing an ARKANE novella entirely set there in the next 6 months, so you can expect more of Budapest then.
I hope you enjoy the video, and I'll be announcing the launch of Exodus soon (and there are free review copies on offer for subscribers of the newsletter.)