Interviews With Thriller, Crime And Dark Fiction Authors

It's always fantastic to connect with other authors who have similar minds to me!

Here's a list of the authors I've interviewed, as well as some interviews with me. Click on the links to listen/watch/read more.

Religious thrillers and the Sanctus trilogy with Simon Toyne

Thrillers That Mix Science And Religion With Randy Ingermanson

Rebecca Cantrell on writing in Berlin, Hannah Vogel mysteries and Blood Gospel with James Rollins

Exorcism, supernatural fiction and sense of place with Michael Lister

Boyd Morrison on the Roswell Conspiracy

Writing dark fiction, research, travel and books I love. Interview with J.F.Penn on Scenes and Sequels

Kick ass thrillers: Zoe Sharp talks about Charlie Fox and the Blood Whisperer

Psychological thrillers and crime with Rachel Abbott

Talking Cults, Religion And Maine With Mystery Writer Jen Blood

On Writing Literary Horror, Cannibal Cults And Vampires With Martin Lastrapes

The Darker Side Of The Dreaming Spires With Dan Holloway

Talking About Death And Morbid Anatomy With Joanna Ebenstein

A Life Of Research: An Interview About J.F.Penn's Books

On Writing Horror And Thrillers With Award Winning And Bestselling Author Allan Leverone

Legal Thrillers and Finding Jack Reacher with Diane Capri

An Interview On Corpse Art, Genetic Science And Body Modification

Thriller Author Michael Wallace On The Righteous Series

Crime Thriller Author Mel Sherratt Talks About Taunting The Dead

On Carl Jung, Dreams and Moments of Visual Inspiration