I'm a huge reader and love to devour action-adventure novels as well as lots of books in other genres (you can check out my Goodreads reviews here).
I also love to talk to authors about their writing process and what inspires them so I'll be sharing more interviews with authors I enjoy, so you can discover them too.
Boyd Morrison is the author of the Tyler Locke action adventure thrillers as well as two stand-alone novels. His latest book, The Roswell Conspiracy, is out now. Boyd is also a professional actor and a Jeopardy Champion. The video interview is embedded below or you can watch on YouTube here.
- How Boyd became an author. He is an engineer by training and made a pact with his wife. He would support her through 9 years of medical training and when she was a full-time doctor, he would get the same number of years to pursue writing. It took him about 4.5 years to become a published author.
- How much of Boyd is in Tyler Locke, his hero? Boyd was an engineer and they're about the same height but otherwise Tyler is quite different. Boyd wanted to make an engineering hero in the same way that Indiana Jones made archaeology cool. It's not just nerdy Dilbert types, but a lot of adventurous people e.g. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Boyd also comes from a family of engineers and he recently realized that Tyler Locke is based on his own father, who died when he was young. He was in the army and went to MIT and had that kind of adventurous spirit.
- Traveling is a love of Boyd's and he has traveled for research. In Roswell, there is a chase on the jetboats in Queenstown which we have both done. As a writer, you're always looking for new things to incorporate in the writing. It's partly an excuse to go do research e.g. driving fast on the autobahn in Germany. We also talk about writing about places we haven't actually been, using Google maps and YouTube as well as other online resources. On writing fight scenes, based on movie knowledge and workshops, like the ones from Thrillerfest. Raising the stakes is more important than the detail of the fight e.g. if he doesn't land this blow, the bad guy will shoot the girlfriend etc.
We also talk about scuba diving as we're both huge fans. Boyd recommends the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, as well as St Lucia in the Caribbean. I mention Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia which is less visited than the Barrier Reef and spectacular. We talk about organizing a thriller writer's scuba diving trip, and inviting James Rollins and Clive Cussler amongst others. It would be a lot of fun!
You can buy The Roswell Conspiracy on Amazon and at other bookstores.
You can find Boyd at BoydMorrison.com and on twitter @boydmorrison