There’s a magic moment for me, and probably other writers, when the story suddenly emerges from the writing.
For me, that happened yesterday when it seemed that all the stars aligned and synchronicity blazed and I was writing in the flow, and the story came to life. [Text below the short video]
Let me explain a little more.
ARK OF BLOOD (previously published as Exodus) is my third novel and is based around a hunt for the Ark of the Covenant as the Middle East counts down to a religious war. I’ve been researching the Ark and possible locations for six months, reading the official papers and also the conspiracy theorists.
I have my series characters in place and my secret government agency, ARKANE which investigates religious mysteries. I had a broad outline and had started writing, but the story hadn’t really caught fire for me.
Then yesterday, that magic moment happened.
I visited the United Grand Lodge of England, the Freemasons Grand Temple in London, and what I saw there crystallized a whole load of ideas. It’s an awesome place, full of symbolism and hints at the secrets that lie within.
Then I went to a spin class and while I was cycling away, the ideas mashed together and the rest of the story fell into place. It fits the research theories and it fits some of the conspiracy theories. My story could actually be plausible, which for me, is essential for a thriller. I won’t give too much of the plot away, but I wanted to share this magic moment and part of how I write a novel.
So I am 40,000 words into the book now, but I know where the story goes from here. I just need to get the words down for the first draft and then move into the editing phase. But this is a precious moment, when you know there’s a story to be told, one that will intrigue and entertain people.
You’ll have to read ARK OF BLOOD to find out where the Ark of the Covenant might be!